​​Peaches and Cream Foundation

How We Help
Peaches and Cream Foundation Youth Ambassador Program is designed to give youth positive opportunities and alternatives. We connect youth with community groups and productive activities that help them effectively navigate the transition into adulthood. Some of these include:

Peach Youth Leadership Training: Group activities and lessons help the youth develop effective life, social, & communication skills, becoming responsible self-confident leaders.
Peach Youth Medical Team (PYMT): Our unique PYMT program educates participants on important health and safety issues training them to become youth educators who pass that information along to at least 50-60 other children each year. The 1,200 teens who make up the PYMT reach well over 50,000 children each year. These educators share critical information on subjects like teen pregnancy, teen health education, sanitation, hygiene, STD and addiction prevention in their communities. This plays an important role in helping improve the overall health of the children and families who live there.
Youth Reporters: Our newest youth initiative empowers our youth by giving them a voice and improving their writing & communication skills. As a result this creates opportunities to master the tools and technology necessary for career advancement in worldwide news.
Youth Ambassadors Scholarship Fund:  Our elected Youth Ambassadors will receive annual Youth Personal Success Funds. The Youth Ambassadors are empowered to spend these funds on college tuition, furthering their career at a trade school, or starting a business. .

              Copyright © 2013. Peaches and Cream Foundation                     

 Some the people you may see in our mockup images with our products or marketing material are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent actual customers or endorsers of the Peaches and Cream Foundation.

Help Us End Child Poverty " In Loving Memory of Seth A. Joyal"